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Course on the Evaluation of Treatment Effects

Prof: Omar Stabridis (University of Puebla, Mexico. UPAEP)
Duration: 15 hours
Course Modality: Theoretical-practical

General objective
Develop conceptual and technical skills to identify the most appropriate model to assess the impact of an intervention, gain more tools to design and carry out evaluations of this type, and strengthen the empirical analysis skills and research design.
Specific objectives
1. Use the econometric techniques developed to evaluate the impact of social programmes.
2. Identify which is the most appropriate impact evaluation design to assess a particular programme, according to its characteristics.
3. Estimate the impacts of a social development programme.
Course Mechanics
The course will consist of two parts, one theoretical and one practical. In the first part the participants will develop the main concepts and techniques by explaining the topics 
through presentations. The second part involves the application of theoretical concepts using databases and running the models in the STATA program.
To fully benefits from the course, it is recommended that students have the following prerequisites:
• Basic knowledge of statistics (descriptive and inferential) and linear regression models.
• Knowledge of EXCEL and deally  a basic grasp of some statistical software (STATA, SPSS among others).
• Desirable: basic knowledge of evaluation .2
Subject matter:
1. Causal Inference and Experimental Evaluations
2. Quasi-experimental Evaluations I: Matching and Propensity Score Matching
3. Quasi-experimental Evaluations II: Differences–in–Differences
4. Quasi-experimental Evaluations III: Instrumental Variables and Regression Discontinuity
5. Quasi-experimental Evaluations IV: Instrumental Variables and Regression Discontinuity
6. Quasi-experimental Evaluations V: Synthetic Control, PSM + DD and Simultaneous Treatments 
Monday 23rd,October: from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday 24th,October: 10:00-13:00h
Monday 30th,October: 10:00-13:00h
Tuesday 31st,October: 10:00-13:00h