por IEI | 3 Jul, 2018 | Actividades, Eventos, Meeting on International Economics, Noticias
Gabriel Quirós pone de relieve los problemas que supone la digitalización para establecer indicadores precisos de productividad: https://www.uji.es/com/noticies/2018/06/2q/international-economics/
por IEI | 3 Jul, 2018 | Actividades, Events, Meeting on International Economics, News
Gabriel Quirós highlights the problems of digitization to establish accurate productivity indicators: https://www.uji.es/com/noticies/2018/06/2q/international-economics/
por IEI | 12 Sep, 2017 | 2017 Publ, Actividades, Alguacil Marí, Maite, Orts Ríos, Vicente, Publications, Year
2017- Maite Alguacil, Josep Martí, Vicente Orts. «Firm heterogeneity and the market scope of European multinational activity». International Review of Economics and Finance, 51, 645-659
por IEI | 11 Sep, 2017 | 2017 Publ, Actividades, Alguacil Marí, Maite, Año, Orts Ríos, Vicente, Publicaciones
2017- Maite Alguacil, Josep Martí, Vicente Orts. «Firm heterogeneity and the market scope of european multinational activity». International Review of Economics and Finance, 51, 645-659
por IEI | 26 Feb, 2014 | Actividades
Professor Francisco Requena-Silvente will present the research paper: Networks and the dynamics of firms’ export portfolio: Evidence for Mexico, on February, 26th. The seminar will be held at room JC1237DS (Economics Departament) at 13:00h....
por IEI | 26 Sep, 2013 | Actividades
The IEI organized the 2nd Meeting on International Economics: Trade, Transport and Logistics on September 26-27th, with lecturers of the Univertsities of Diego Portales (Chile), Rome, Las Palmas de GC (Spain), Ireland, Jaume I of Castellón, Göttingen (Germany), Swiss...