por IEI | 22 Sep, 2016 | Events, Seminars
Prof. Atanu Ghoshray is going to present the research paper: “Does Economic Activity in Kazakhstan respond asymmetrically to energy price shocks?” on September, 22th. The seminar will be held in room JC1-237DD (Economics Department) at 13:00h....
por IEI | 21 Abr, 2016 | Events, Seminars
Prof. Juan A. Máñez is going to present the research paper: “Product and Process Innovation and Total Factor Productivity: Evidence for Manufacturing in 4 Latin American Countries” on May, 27th. The seminar will be held in room JC1-237DD (Economics Department) at...
por IEI | 27 May, 2015 | Events, Seminars
Prof. Simona Mateut is going to present the research paper: “Subsidies, financial constraints and firm innovative activities in developing economies” on May, 27th. The seminar will be held in room JC1-237DD (Economics Department) at 12:30h....
por IEI | 23 Abr, 2015 | Events, Seminars
Professor Leonardo Salazar Vergara will present the research paper: «The Philips Curve and the Role of the Monetary Policy: A Cointegrated VAR Application to Chilean data» on April, 23rd The seminar will be held in Room JC1237DS (Economics Department) at 12:30h...
por IEI | 26 Feb, 2014 | Events, Seminars
Professor Francisco Requena-Silvente will present the research paper: Networks and the dynamics of firms’ export portfolio: Evidence for Mexico, on February, 26th. The seminar will be held at room JC1237DS (Economics Department) at 13:00h. Programme.
por IEI | 22 Ene, 2014 | Events, Seminars
Professor Valeriano Martínez San Román will present the research paper: «The Home Bias as a measure of commercial integration. An application for the FDI-Trade relationship» on Wednesday, January, 22th. The seminar will be held in Room JC 1237DS (Economics Department)...