Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL)

Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL)

  Ana María Cuadros Ramos, from the Department of Economics and Institute of International Economics, is one of the UJI lecturers chosen to join this international collaborative project, financed with funds from Employment and Social Development. The lecturers...
Globalisation and COVID-19

Globalisation and COVID-19

After the 2008 crisis, what economists have called deglobalisation began. It was characterised by a widespread loss of confidence in global institutions and an open questioning of the benefits of international free trade. The maximum exponent of this position has been...
The World Economy: Special Issue

The World Economy: Special Issue

AEEFI is pleased to announce the publication of the special issue entitled «Globalization: Recent Traits and Challenges» in The World Economy magazine, whose guest editors are Ana Cuadros and Javier Ordóñez. More information:...