por IEI | 5 Jun, 2017 | 1995 Proj, 1996 Proj, 1997 Proj, 1998 Proj, Member, Projects, Suárez Burguet, Celestino, Year
Major Disequilibria in the Spanish Economy and Economic Convergence into the Economic and Monetary Union (Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture. Spanish National Plan of R&D, 1995-1998) Suárez Burguet, Celestino
por IEI | 5 Jun, 2017 | 1992 Proj, 1993 Proj, Camarero, Mariam, Member, Projects, Year
Accession of the Spanish Economy to the European Single Market: An Analysis of Trade Policy and Specialisation (Programme of Integrated Anglo-Spanish Actions, 1992-1993) Camarero, Mariam
por IEI | 5 Jun, 2017 | 1992 Proj, 1993 Proj, Member, Projects, Suárez Burguet, Celestino, Year
Spain-EC Economic Relations: Macroeconomic and Trade Aspects (Fundación Caja Castellón, 1992-1993) Suárez Burguet, Celestino
por IEI | 5 Jun, 2017 | 1992 Proj, 1993 Proj, 1994 Proj, Member, Projects, Suárez Burguet, Celestino, Year
Effects of the European Single Market on Spanish Trade and Macroeconomic Policies (Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture. Spanish National Plan of R&D, 1992-1994) Suárez Burguet, Celestino
por IEI | 5 Jun, 2017 | 1992 Proj, Camarero, Mariam, Member, Projects, Year
Dinámica del tipo de cambio, cointegración y mecanismo de corrección de error (Consellería de Educación y Ciencia. Generalitat Valenciana, 1992) Camarero, Miriam
por IEI | 5 Jun, 2017 | 1991 Proj, 1992 Proj, Member, Projects, Suárez Burguet, Celestino, Year
External Competitiveness of the Valencian Industry: Synthetic Indexes from Export and Import Unit Values (Valencian Institute of Studies and Research (IVEI), 1991-1992) Suárez Burguet, Celestino