por IEI | 18 Sep, 2018 | 2018 Publ, Alguacil Marí, Maite, Año, Publicaciones
2018- Maite Alguacil: «The role of immigrant diversity in regional competitiveness. The Spanish Experience, Sustainability, 10(9), 3312.
por IEI | 18 Sep, 2018 | 2018 Publ, Autor, Monfort Bellido, Mercedes, Ordoñez Monfort, Javier, Publicaciones
2018- Ghoshray, A, Mendoza, Y, Monfort, M. and Ordóñez,J.: “Re-assessing causality between energy consumption and economic growth ”, Plos One. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0205671
por IEI | 18 Sep, 2018 | 2018 Publ, Año, Autor, Balaguer Coll, Jacint, Publicaciones
2018 – Balaguer, J and Ripollés, J: «The dynamics pattern of price dispersion in retail fuel markets» Energy Economics, 74 pp. 546-564
por IEI | 18 Sep, 2018 | 2018 Publ, Año, Autor, Lafuente Luengo, Juan Ángel, Publicaciones
2018 – Lafuente Luengo, J. A.; Petit, N; and Serrano, P.: «Forecasting multiple-term structures from interbank rates» INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF FINANCIAL ANALYSIS; 57 pp. 40-56
por IEI | 18 Sep, 2018 | 2018 Publ, Año, Autor, Cuestas, Juan Carlos, Publicaciones
2018 – Abu Asab, N., Cuestas-Olivares, JC and Montagnoli, A: «Inflation targeting or exchange rate targeting: Which framework supports the goal of price stability in emerging market economies?» Plos One , 13 pp. 1-21
por IEI | 18 Sep, 2018 | 2018 Publ, Año, Autor, Martín-Montaner, Joan, Publicaciones
2018 – Martín, J, Serrano-Domingo, G and Requena Silvente, F: «Networks and self-employed migrants» Small Business Economics, 3 pp. 735-755