por IEI | 8 May, 2017 | 2017 Publ, Alguacil Marí, Maite, Año, Autor, Orts Ríos, Vicente, Publicaciones
2017 – Martí, Josep; M. Alguacil; V. Orts: «Location choice of Spanish multinational firms in developing and transition economies». Journal of Business Economics and Management 2 (18): 319-339
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2016 – Balaguer, J. and Ripollés, J: «Examining the Stability of the Long-Run Relationship between Energy and GDP in the Presence of an Industrialization Process». Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy 11 (8): 690-697
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2016 – Cuadros, A.; J. Martín-Montaner; Jordi Paniagua: «Homeward bound FDI: Are migrants a bridge over trouble finance?». Economic Modelling (58): 454-465
por IEI | 8 May, 2017 | 2016 Publ, Año, Autor, Martínez Zarzoso, Inmaculada, Publicaciones
2016 – Ahmed,J; I. Martínez Zarzoso: «Blessing or Curse. The stabilizing role of remittances compared with other financial flows». Journal of South Asian Development 11 (1), 1-29
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2016 – Ahmed,J; I. Martínez Zarzoso: «Do transfer costs matter for foreign remittances? A gravity approach». Economics: The Open Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal 10 (2016-4), 1-37....
por IEI | 8 May, 2017 | 2016 Publ, Año, Autor, Márquez Ramos, Laura, Publicaciones
2016 – Luisa Alama; Heid, Benedikt; Jiménez-Fernández, Eduardo; L. Márquez Ramos: «FDI in Space Revisited: The Role of Spillovers on Foreign Direct Investment within the European Union ahead of print». Growth and Change online: 1-19