por IEI | 18 Sep, 2018 | Author, Cuestas, Juan Carlos, Publications
2018- Cuestas,JC., Huang, Y. and Tang, Bo.: “Does internationalisation increase exchange rate exposure?- Evidence from Chinese financial firms”, International Review of Financial Analysis, 56 pp. 253-263
por IEI | 18 Sep, 2018 | 2018 Publ, Author, Cuestas, Juan Carlos, Publications, Year
2018 – Abu Asab, N., Cuestas-Olivares, JC and Montagnoli, A: «Inflation targeting or exchange rate targeting: Which framework supports the goal of price stability in emerging market economies?» Plos One , 13 pp. 1-21
por IEI | 8 Jun, 2017 | 2013 Publ, Author, Cuestas, Juan Carlos, Monfort Bellido, Mercedes, Ordoñez Monfort, Javier, Publications, Year
2013 – Monfort, M.; J. Ordoñez Monfort; Cuestas, JC: «Real convergence in Europe: A cluster analysis». Economic Modelling, Vol. 33, pp. 689-694