por IEI | 9 Jun, 2017 | 2018 Publ, Author, Márquez Ramos, Laura, Publications, Year
2018 -Márquez Ramos, L.: «The environmental impact of renewables». International Journal of Global Warming, 2 pp. 143-158
por IEI | 9 Jun, 2017 | 2016 Publ, Author, Márquez Ramos, Laura, Publications, Year
2016 – Luisa Alama; Heid, Benedikt; Jiménez-Fernández, Eduardo; L. Márquez Ramos: «FDI in Space Revisited: The Role of Spillovers on Foreign Direct Investment within the European Union ahead of print». Growth and Change online: 1-19
por IEI | 9 Jun, 2017 | 2016 Publ, Author, Márquez Ramos, Laura, Publications, Year
2016 – Luisa Alama; Heid, Benedikt; Jiménez-Fernández, Eduardo; L. Márquez Ramos: «What drives independence of FDI among host countries? The role of geographic proximity and similar public debt». Economic Modelling (58): 466-474
por IEI | 9 Jun, 2017 | 2016 Publ, Author, Márquez Ramos, Laura, Publications, Year
2016 – Márquez Ramos, L.: «Regionalism, subnational variation and gravity: A four-country tale». Journal of Regional Research (35): 7-36
por IEI | 9 Jun, 2017 | 2016 Publ, Author, Márquez Ramos, Laura, Publications, Year
2016 – Márquez Ramos, L.; Martínez-Gómez,V: «On the effect of EU trade preferences: evidence for monthly exports of fruit and vegetables from Morocco». New Medit 15 (2): 2-13
por IEI | 9 Jun, 2017 | 2016 Publ, Author, Márquez Ramos, Laura, Publications, Year
2016 – Márquez Ramos, L.: «Port Facilities, Regional Spillovers and Exports: Empirical Evidence from Spain». Papers in Regional Science 95: 329-351