por IEI | 8 Jun, 2017 | 2014 Publ, Author, Martínez Zarzoso, Inmaculada, Publications, Year
2014 – Dierk, H; Nowak,A; Stephan, K; I. Martínez Zarzoso: «Comment on Lof, Mekasha, and Tarp». World Development (Published online): 1-8
por IEI | 8 Jun, 2017 | 2014 Publ, Author, Martínez Zarzoso, Inmaculada, Publications, Suárez Burguet, Celestino, Year
2014 – Bensassi, S; I. Martínez Zarzoso; C. Suárez Burguet: «The effect of maritime transport costs on the extensive and intensive margins: Evidence from the Europe-Asia trade.». Maritime Economics & Logistics 3 (16): 276-297
por IEI | 8 Jun, 2017 | 2014 Publ, Author, Martínez Zarzoso, Inmaculada, Publications, Year
2014 – Jakob,M; Stecke,J; Klasen,S; Lay, Jann; Grunewald, N; I. Martínez Zarzoso; Renner, S and Edenhofer, O: «Feasible mitigation actions in developing countries». Nature Climate Change 11 (4): 961-968
por IEI | 8 Jun, 2017 | 2014 Publ, Author, Martínez Zarzoso, Inmaculada, Publications, Year
2014 – Martínez Zarzoso, I.; Yang, S: «A Panel Data Analysis of Trade Creation and Trade Diversion effects: The case of ASEAN-China Free Trade Area». China Economic Review (29): 138-151
por IEI | 8 Jun, 2017 | 2014 Publ, Author, Martínez Zarzoso, Inmaculada, Publications, Year
2014 – Martínez Zarzoso, I. : «Does Aid Promote Donor Exports? Commercial Interest versus Instrumental Philanthropy». Kyklos 4 (67): 559-587
por IEI | 8 Jun, 2017 | 2013 Publ, Author, Martínez Zarzoso, Inmaculada, Publications, Year
2013 – Martínez Zarzoso, I.: «The Log of Gravity Revisited». Applied Economics 3 (45): 311-327