por IEI | 8 Jun, 2017 | 2009 Publ, Author, Balaguer Coll, Jacint, Publications, Year
2009 – Balaguer, J.; Espinoza, E; S. Camilla: «Assessing the value of water in urban slums: A hedonic price analysis for four cities, Chile.» In Water and Urban Development Paradigms: Towards an integration of engineering, design and management., published...
por IEI | 8 Jun, 2017 | 2009 Publ, Author, Martínez Zarzoso, Inmaculada, Publications, Year
2009 – Martínez Zarzoso, I.: «On Transport Costs and Sectoral Trade: Further Evidence for LA Imports from the European Union» In The European Union and Emerging Markets, G Tondl,(ed), published by Springer-Verlarg, Vienna/New York
por IEI | 8 Jun, 2017 | 2009 Publ, Author, Feo Valero, María, Publications, Year
2009 – María Feo; Leandro García: «European Common Transport Policy and Short-Sea Shipping: empirical evidence based on modal choice models.». Transport Reviews 29 (2): 239-259
por IEI | 8 Jun, 2017 | 2009 Publ, Author, Orts Ríos, Vicente, Publications, Year
2009 – Orts, V.; M.J. Herrerías: «Equipment Investment and Openness in China.» In China’s Three Decades of Economic Reforms.Chapter 10, published by Routledge Studies on the Chinese Economy
por IEI | 8 Jun, 2017 | 2009 Publ, Author, Camarero, Mariam, Publications, Year
2009 – Camarero, Mariam; J.L. Carrion-i-Silvestre ; C. Tamarit: «Testing for real interest rate parity using panel stationarity tests with dependence». The Manchester School (77): 112-126
por IEI | 8 Jun, 2017 | 2009 Publ, Author, Camarero, Mariam, Ordoñez Monfort, Javier, Publications, Year
2009 – Camarero, Mariam; J. Ordoñez Monfort; C. Tamarit: » External macroeconomic factors and the link between short and long-run European interest rates». Southern Economic Journal (75(4)): 1212-1219