por IEI | 9 Jun, 2017 | 2016 Publ, Author, Martínez Zarzoso, Inmaculada, Publications, Suárez Burguet, Celestino, Year
2016 – Parra, M.D.; I. Martínez Zarzoso; C. Suárez Burguet: «The impact of FTAs on MENA trade in agricultural and industrial products». Applied Economics 25 (48): 2341-2353
por IEI | 9 Jun, 2017 | 2016 Publ, Alguacil Marí, Maite, Author, Publications, Suárez Burguet, Celestino, Year
2016 – Shimbov B.; M. Alguacil; C. Suárez Burguet: «International production networks and economic growth: The case of the Western Balkan Countries». Eastern European Economics 1 (54): 49-70
por IEI | 9 Jun, 2017 | 2016 Publ, Author, Martínez Zarzoso, Inmaculada, Publications, Year
2016 – Grunewald,N; I. Martínez Zarzoso: «An evaluation of the effect of the Kyoto protocol on CO2 emissions». Environment and Development Economics 21 (1): 1-22
por IEI | 9 Jun, 2017 | 2016 Publ, Author, Martínez Zarzoso, Inmaculada, Publications, Year
2016 – Bensassi, S; Barret, A.P.; I. Martínez Zarzoso; Stroeve, S: «Melting Ice, Growing Trade?». Science of the Anthropocene doi:10.12952/journal.elementa.000107
por IEI | 9 Jun, 2017 | 2016 Publ, Author, Balaguer Coll, Jacint, Publications, Ripollés, Jordi, Year
2016 – Balaguer, J.and Ripollés, J: «Building a Panel Data Set on Fuel stations located in the Spanish Regional Areas of Madrid and Barcelona». Data in Brief (7): 135-138
por IEI | 9 Jun, 2017 | 2016 Publ, Author, Ordoñez Monfort, Javier, Publications, Year
2016 – Wang, Rudan; Morley, Bruce; J. Ordoñez Monfort: «The Taylor Rule, Wealth Effects and the Exchange Rate». Review of International Economics 24 (2): 282-301