por IEI | 1 Abr, 2020 | 2019 Publ, Author, Martínez Zarzoso, Inmaculada, Publications
2019 -Martínez Zarzoso, I. and Johannsen, F.: “The gravity of arms», Defence and Peace Economics, 1, pp. 2-26
por IEI | 1 Abr, 2020 | 2019 Publ, Author, Camarero, Mariam, Publications, Year
2019 -Camarero, M., D’Adamo, Gaetano and C. Tamarit: “Differences in wage determination in the Eurozone: A challenge to the resilience of the common currency” Journal of Policy Modeling, online.
por IEI | 1 Abr, 2020 | 2019 Publ, Cuestas, Juan Carlos, Publications
2019- Cuestas,JC., Merike, K.: “The spanish housing market: is it fundamentally broken?”, Applied Economics Letters, online
por IEI | 1 Abr, 2020 | 2019 Publ, Author, Lafuente Luengo, Juan Ángel, Publications, Year
2019 – Lafuente Luengo, J. A.; Petit, N; Serrano, P: «Pricing factors in multiple-term structures from interbank», Journal of International Money and Finance, 91 pp. 138-159
por IEI | 16 Sep, 2019 | 2019 Publ, Author, Feo Valero, María, Monfort Bellido, Mercedes, Ordoñez Monfort, Javier, Publications, Year
2019- Ordóñez,J., Monfort, M and Cuestas, JC. : “Oil prices, unemployment and the financial crisis in oil-importing countries: The case of Spain”, Energy, Vol. 181, pp. 625-634.
por IEI | 26 Jun, 2019 | 2017 Publ, Alguacil Marí, Maite, Author, Orts Ríos, Vicente, Publications, Year
2017 – Martí, Josep; M. Alguacil; V. Orts: «Determining the location decision of foreign affiliates in developing and transition economies». Review of Development Economies, 21(3), 1-20.