por IEI | 8 Jun, 2017 | 2014 Publ, Author, Márquez Ramos, Laura, Martínez Zarzoso, Inmaculada, Publications, Year
2014 – Márquez Ramos, L.; I. Martínez Zarzoso: «Trade in intermediate goods and Euro-Med production networks». Middle East Development Journal (MEDJ) 2 (6): 215-231
por IEI | 8 Jun, 2017 | 2014 Publ, Author, Feo Valero, María, Publications, Year
2016 – Feo Valero, María; García Menéndez, Leandro; del Saz-Salazar, Salvador: «Rail freight transport and demand requierements: an analysis of attribute cut-offs through a stated preference experiment». Transportation: 1-22
por IEI | 8 Jun, 2017 | 2014 Publ, Alguacil Marí, Maite, Author, Publications, Year
2014 – Luisa Alamá-Sabater; M. Alguacil; Joan Serafí Bernat-Martí: «Location determinants of migrant inflows: The Spanish case» In Identity and Territorial Character. Re-Interpreting Local-Spatial Development, edited by Julia Salom; Joaquín...
por IEI | 8 Jun, 2017 | 2014 Publ, Alguacil Marí, Maite, Author, Cuadros Ramos, Ana (autor), Publications, Year
2014 – Cuadros, A.; M. Alguacil: «Productivity spillovers through foreign transactions. The role of sector composition and local conditions, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade». Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 2 (50): 75-88
por IEI | 8 Jun, 2017 | 2015 Publ, Author, Ordoñez Monfort, Javier, Publications, Year
2015 – Ordoñez Monfort, J.; Sala, H; Silva, J.I: «Real unit labour costs in Eurozone countries: drivers and clusters». IZA Journal of European Labour Studies (4): 1-19
por IEI | 8 Jun, 2017 | 2014 Publ, Author, Balaguer Coll, Jacint, Publications, Ripollés, Jordi, Year
2014 – Balaguer, J.; and Ripollés, J: «Are the transport fuel retail markets regionally integrated in Spain Evidence from price transmission.». Economic Modelling (42): 323-332