The Regional School of Public Administration (ReSPA), in partnership with, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Serbia and financed by the EU, organized the Regional Open Data Challenge 2024. The aim of the Challenge was to recognize, award, and promote the innovative reuse of open data across Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia, for greater transparency, accountability, inclusiveness and effectiveness in service delivery and design. The ultimate goal of the challenge was to encourage collaboration between the government, NGOs, academia, and the private sector in delivering data-driven innovation that improves public services, empowers citizens or boosts economic activities.

Mr. Bojan Shimbov and Mr. Jordan Simonov were awarded the third-place winning solution. As such, their solution “One-stop shop platform for understanding migration dynamics” has been transformed into open data-base platform and will be placed under open access by the UNDP. The platform will automatically collect, analyze and display migration data using open data. Authorities and other stakeholders can check migration through the application and monitor and understand migration trends. As such, it will be a reliable partner for numerous agents in society, especially in tackling brain drain issues across the region.    

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