Applications of Industrial and International Economics

Economic Analysis
Vicente Orts Ríos

Vicente Orts Ríos



  • Balaguer Coll, Jacint
  • Cantavella Jordá, Manuel
  • Cuadros Ramos, Ana María
  • Cuestas Olivares, Juan Carlos
  • Feriozzi, Fabio
  • Martín Montaner, Joan Antoni
  • Pernias Cerrillo, José Carlos
  • Ripollés Piqueras, Jordi
  • Suárez Burguet, Celestino

Application areas

Business management, economics and finance, Energy, Mathematics and data analysis, Tourism

Our research focuses on the analysis of different aspects of international and industrial economics. The topics that are of most interest to the group include the following: Study of the factors underlying the decisions regarding the location of workers and firms at international level (FDI, migratory movements, etc.); in particular we focus on the relevance of spatial and sectoral aspects. Effects of migratory movements and international investment on productivity, its nature, and on the environmental sustainability of the environmental dynamics that these decisions entail. Interaction between migratory flows and the innovation and the internationalisation strategies of multinational firms, and their effects. Factors determining competitiveness in Spain and Europe. The role played by the dynamics of real exchange rates, current account and the sustainability of external debt. Unemployment and commodity shocks in Europe. Integration into international production networks of European transition economies. Determinants of energy efficiency and effects on energy pricing of institutional, spatial and market structure aspects. The study of energy intensity, fossil fuels and the degree of economic efficiency of the retail fuel market for transport in Spain is of special interest to our group. To this end, a wide variety of formal techniques are used, such as theoretical modelling or the application of statistical and econometric techniques, including discrete variables, panel data, time series, statistical models and spatial econometrics. Procedures are also studied that allow the construction of composite indexes using a conjunction of fuzzy metrics related to each individual indicator through iterative processes (matching learning techniques, etc.).