Globalisation and COVID-19

Globalisation and COVID-19

After the 2008 crisis, what economists have called deglobalisation began. It was characterised by a widespread loss of confidence in global institutions and an open questioning of the benefits of international free trade. The maximum exponent of this position has been...
The World Economy: Special Issue

The World Economy: Special Issue

AEEFI is pleased to announce the publication of the special issue entitled “Globalization: Recent Traits and Challenges” in The World Economy magazine, whose guest editors are Ana Cuadros and Javier Ordóñez. More information:...
Course Gravity with Gravitas…for Autism

Course Gravity with Gravitas…for Autism

The objective of this course is to serve as a practical guide for trade policy analysis with the gravity model of trade. The course offers a comprehensive and balanced approach between theory and empirics: It describes best practices for estimating the partial...